Everything ALS
Our mission is to support efforts to care for ALS patients and work to find treatments. We believe the technology will be a key enabler for the innovation to end ALS, we are here to bridge the gap between patients, research and technology.
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We are asking for your email address so that we can send you a link with a secure login code. This is to protect your privacy and security.
Please provide a valid friendly name!
Please provide a valid password!
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Password doesn't match!
Your password must meet the following criteria:
  • At least 8 characters long
  • At least one lowercase letter
  • At least one uppercase letter
  • At least one number
  • At least one special character (such as ~!@#$%)
Please do not use:
  • Names, surnames or nicknames of family members, friends or pets
  • Important dates, such as birthdays or anniversaries
  • Common phrases
  • Spaces at the beginning or end of the password
If your chosen password is identified as being compromised in any previous data breach, it will be rejected. The best place to store your password is in your head. If you must record your password, store it in a very secure place.
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